Rediscovering Humanity
What does it mean to be alive? Is there more to living than satisfying societal norms, escaping reality on the weekends and saving for the next vacation? Are humans nothing more than intricate biological organisms or are they relational and purposeful beings? Join us as we rediscover what life is supposed to be and, ultimately, what makes us human.
Rediscovering Humanity
The Scrooge In Us (with Buster Swoopes) | S01E04
Isaí & Joel
Season 1
Episode 4
Why do we find so much comfort and control in stuff? Is it safe to trust our well being in the abundance of materials, emotional or even spiritual goods? We bring on Buster Swoopes (pastor, college teacher, and sports enthusiast) to bring more light into what is worth trusting with our lives.
Hear more from Buster: Sabbath School Rescue
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